Starting at Henlow village head east on dull flat until you breach Baldock, then the fun starts. Rolling open road with a few catch-you-out corners for the unwary but great surfaces treat you all the way to Buntingford, a pretty village. Continuing east the road becomes distinctly more nadgery and there are a few very sharp but flowing bends and occasional gravel spots to watch for through challenging twists - be ready for those overtakes if you want to make good progress - and a belter of a climbing left-right just before Newport. Heading back west towards Royston is more open but still challenging and the town itself best not dwelt on (from a riding perspective) and then it really opens up as you head north towards Wimpole and then west again along the fast, flowing road through Eyeworth and Dunton (mind the sharp left as you exit the Esses near the X-rds for Potton, how early can you get on the gas??) and enjoy trying to master the beautiful bends through the 30 zone (yes, you did read that right!) just out of Dunton before the final mad thrash on unclassified road back to a refreshing stop at the Engineer Arms. Luvverly!!
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