Nice route with some good views :)
Lovely bit of road once you get off the ferry and on to the first stop to a small town called Wimereux. Stays close to the coast line and there are some great views. Watch out for RV's and slower drivers
a nice smooth road with some flowing corners and some nice views of the coast.
Whenever I go to France, where ever I am going, I always ride this road, best bit are the hairpins coming down into Escalles.
Watch out for mobile speed camera's
One of my favourite routes to visit on my trips to France on the bike, some tight corners, spectacular sea views and very little traffic, the best section is around Cap-Gris-Nez Dave -
Mostly excellent visibility and some hazards but could be worse lots of changes in elevation on the landscape to keep you interested. Some tight and blind corners but mostly good, well worth a look
View from Cap Gris Nez
Calm open road with nice coastline and scenery and good surface
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