The best way south from Edinburgh to the Border is along this brilliant country road.
drammanFirst intro this road was in a friends car (both directions at speed) then had a go on the bike - so much more fun! This is one of the best roads in the area, with great corners with good grip and plenty of short straights to get some speed up. You can be tempted to give it some, so be careful as there are a few tight bends to catch you out. Best thing is general lack of traffic and generally good visibility. A702 is a good return option, but there is always more traffic, expecially HGV's which can be a pain at times!
rmarineldone this one a couple of times during northern forays. details escape me but comments expressed already seem sound.
petehead for biggar from lanark,great road with plenty of fast straights and good bends.stop at biggar and watch plenty bikes go by ,great in the summer.head for broughton,this road is more narrow and twisty but still good fun.take a right at broughton onto the A701,head south for moffat.this road is great,very fast with good corners.stop at crook inn for a bite to eat then head for moffat.
A nice pleasant run, some very nice scenery, some tight corners, sweeping bends, & some nice straights The Devils Beef Tub is worth a stop, & look, it`s quite dramatic.
HounddogRural in character this road is quiet (even at peak times). Lots of twisties, some straights and even a climb over the hills just before Moffat. To get back to the start head up the M74 to Abington and then on to the A702. Stop at the Dolphinton teatooms for a break then head home - a great Sunday morning ride.