Bikers should check the back road behind the ponderosa cafe. Takes you near Wrexham on some great C roads. Fab scenery.
andy.wA nice little run with a good stop off at the Ponderosa. Only is the North Wales obsession with speed camera signs they are bloody relentless. Never been so happy to get back into England and from a Scot thats saying a lot!
DougieVFROpen grazing for sheep, so be careful! Some bends have no barriers and a sheer drop awaits for the over-zealous! Cattle grids at both ends of the pass Beautiful scenery, get a brew at the Ponderosa - Bikers Caff! Best tip: cruise the route and enjoy the scenery
JohnI always feel a lot happier riding from Llangollen to the Ponderosa, as opposed to the opposite (downhill) run. Occassionally some grit/gravel/slate at the far end of the pass, as you start to double back up the horseshoe.
Hampo69a nice road plenty of bizzies in the summer months though have a cuppa in the cafe and look atthe bikes in the sunshine
critchA nice twisty pass through Northern Wales. There wasn't many police around when I rode it, but looking at what's in the press these days, it might be different now.