Starting from Bartlett Station, this is a nice little run if you´ve got about and hour and a half to two hours to kill. It is enjoyable for cruising as well as pushing your ride a little.
There are several sections that are particularly nice. Rocky Point Rd. between Macon and Walnut Grove is a cool, tree-covered ride with a few nice curves. If you have time for a snack plan to stop just past Briarcrest School at George Canale & Sons Grocery and have a ham biscuit and a beverage. They´ve got the best smoked ham in this part of the state.
The main attraction of this ride though is the stretch on Raleigh-Lagrange Rd. from Canales to to 205 (Collierville-Arlington Rd.). There are some sweet twisties and plenty of chance to ride as aggressively or as sedately as you please. Enjoy the cool tree-covered road and the the occasional mansion along the way. Once you make the turn north onto 205 you can stretch it out on the long straights mixed with the occasional, well-marked curves. It´s relaxed enough for my my wife to enjoy but I get the chance to tap into some torque as well.
You´ll get a stretch of about 15 minutes on 385 to clear your head. The road is clear and straight with very little traffic and the 65 mph speed limit and very few LEO´s give you a chance to turn some RPMs and get some wind in your face.
On the home stretch there is a little run along Pleasant Ridge Rd. that will take you out through some huge, vividly green farmland and there´s are a few more twisties on Bolen House Rd. before you get back into Bartlett.